This works every time specially when all anycodings_virtual-machine other options fails like how it happened anycodings_virtual-machine for me. In anycodings_virtual-machine ANKSVM.vbox and ANKSVM.vbox-prev files:Įdit the line: anycodings_virtual-machine anycodings_virtual-machine /home//VirtualBox anycodings_virtual-machine VMs/ANKSVM) where ANKSVM is your VM Name anycodings_virtual-machine and edit and change the following Close all virtual machines and VirtualBox windows.įind your machine config files (i.e.Finally i found the following anycodings_virtual-machine when all the other options fails:įix the Scale Mode Issue in Oracle anycodings_virtual-machine VirtualBox in Ubuntu using the following anycodings_virtual-machine steps: I even anycodings_virtual-machine tried the command line option to revert anycodings_virtual-machine back the scale mode and it won't work anycodings_virtual-machine either. For me, when i anycodings_virtual-machine was trying to revert back the Host key, anycodings_virtual-machine it was just not happening and the anycodings_virtual-machine shortcut keys won't just work. Now anycodings_virtual-machine if anyone is using or has ever used anycodings_virtual-machine Ubuntu, you might be aware that how anycodings_virtual-machine things are hard sometimes when using anycodings_virtual-machine shortcut keys in Ubuntu. Has anyone else seen this? Should this be submitted as a bug or am I doing something stupid? bdentremont Posts: 2 Joined: 3.I was having the similar issue when anycodings_virtual-machine using VirtualBox on Ubuntu 12.04LTS. Reinstalling guest additions results in the complete disabling of the host key again. After doing this the host key liberates the mouse and allows me to regain control of my Gnome panels, but does not kick the virtual machine out of full screen mode as I expected. I also tried uninstalling guest additions on the XP guest. I upgraded my guest additions after performing the Virtualbox upgrade and tried disabling "Auto Capture Keyboard" in the Virtualbox preferences with no effect.

The host key was previously working and I recently upgraded to Virtualbox 2.1.4. I am running an Ubuntu 8.10 and Windows XP SP 3 guest with guest additions. So HOLD the host key (right ctrl by default), then press F. However, it doesn't resolve the root problem of the host key not working. Going outside of fullscreen isn't just hitting the Host key, you have to use the keyboard shortcut to actually exit it.

The solution above indeed allows the virtual machine which was previously shutdown from full screen mode to be started in a window.