
How to make dead island 2 offline steam
How to make dead island 2 offline steam

how to make dead island 2 offline steam

Certainly not to the point that the op needs someone to try and defend him and stick his nose in someone else's problem. I just read this whole thread and I can't seem to find where hizang was being such a jerk. Are you one of those people who thinks everyone has a stable internet connection or lives in a metropolitan area with accessible Wi-Fi everywhere? Also, you're kind of a jerk. I don't understand what your problem is, honestly.

how to make dead island 2 offline steam

Your suggestion of "just buying the console version and spending an extra 60 bucks" or "just don't buy it" is ludicrous, especially considering he's already paid for the game. Besides, if the OP is to be believed, then it isn't stated anywhere that you have to be online in order to play this game. Why the hell doesn't it say it requires an online connection? I blame steam for this too, they should have had it as a I just don't see the problem with having to be online for a game that your buying off of an online store, haters gonna hate I guess.īut I would still like that hug :)That would be a valid point if you had to be online to play all Steam games, but you don't. First releasing the dev version by mistake, bugs were it deletes save files constantly, releasing updates that don't work with saves, updates that make the game not work for tons of people, and can't seem to do what every other game on steam can, even the shittest ports, play offline. Techland would have to be some of the most fucked up developers around. Tons of games use cloud and all work offline. Larkspur CA 94939 / USA"This makes no sense. We're hoping for your understanding that we cant make any promises at the actual moment. Our developers are working on a solution in order to make the "Offline Mode"available for you. "I emailed Deep Silver about this and heres what i got backīecause of the Steam "Cloud" architecture its actually only possible to play Dead Island if the Steam Client is online and connected to the Steam network.

How to make dead island 2 offline steam